Category: PHP

  • Google Chart with PHP and MySQLi Database using Google API

    Google Chart with PHP and MySQLi Database using Google API

    [button-blue url=”” target=”_blank” position=””]LIVE DEMO[/button-blue][button-green url=”″ target=”_blank” position=””]DOWNLOAD[/button-green] A chart is a graphical representation of data in which “the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.” Putting up a chart or graph in your report or presentation will make…

    Click or not: Google Chart with PHP and MySQLi Database using Google API
  • Forgot Password Recovery Script using PHP and MySQLi

    Forgot Password Recovery Script using PHP and MySQLi

    [button-blue url=”” target=”_blank” position=””]LIVE DEMO[/button-blue][button-green url=”″ target=”_blank” position=””]DOWNLOAD[/button-green] Recently I have cover few topics on user authentication like PHP Login System, Register new user and Email verification when new user register on site. So here I am going to deal with “Forgot Password Utility” that most of websites have. There are some people exist on…

    Click or not: Forgot Password Recovery Script using PHP and MySQLi
  • Error Handling in PHP

    Error Handling in PHP

      Error handling is a very important part of creating web applications. If your code is not efficient, then you may receive error messages. Also, it will put your application in a risky position. Let us examine some methods of dealing with errors in PHP. Default Error Handling in PHP By default, error handling in…

    Click or not: Error Handling in PHP
  • Sending Emails in PHP with PHP Mailer

    Sending Emails in PHP with PHP Mailer

    PHP has its own built in mail() function which is used to send emails. But it’s not flexible to use for sending emails as there is no guarantee about email delivery and it also take a lot of time to send email. There is one more disadvantage of this mail, that is most of emails…

    Click or not: Sending Emails in PHP with PHP Mailer
  • How to Make Basic URL Shortener in PHP and MySQLi

    How to Make Basic URL Shortener in PHP and MySQLi

    You might be using,, or maybe some other URL shortener service to shorten your URL. It’s true that long URL doesn’t look pretty when you are sharing it with your friends or colleagues through email or messages. And I agree for every problem there is a solution on the internet. When you…

    Click or not: How to Make Basic URL Shortener in PHP and MySQLi
  • Why to Choose PHP?

    Why to Choose PHP?

    No doubt PHP has many benefits, and the reason for which it has become the most accepted web development language. IT companies either big or small are using PHP for creating multiple types of web applications. One can realize the worth of PHP from the fact that huge applications like Facebook and WordPress are using…

    Click or not: Why to Choose PHP?
  • Creating Registration Form with PHP and MySQLi

    Creating Registration Form with PHP and MySQLi

    In previous post we have learned to create a secure login system with session. Now let’s have look at How to Create a Registration Form with PHP and MySQLi. Well it’s quite easy and can be use for different purposes. It can be use to Register a new member on your membership website or you…

    Click or not: Creating Registration Form with PHP and MySQLi
  • Get Facebook Likes Count with PHP

    Get Facebook Likes Count with PHP

    This tutorial will help you to get Facebook Likes, Shares and Comments of any Facebook Page or External Link. I have make a function fb_count() that will fetch Facebook likes, shares and comments from Facebook Database. Under this function we make a query that will get likes, shares and comments from facebook database and response…

    Click or not: Get Facebook Likes Count with PHP